We Need You!


We Need You!


We are a small, but growing group of concerned Oceanside residents who care deeply about how El Corazon Park will be developed based on the Master Plan that was approved by voters more than a decade ago. All of us can play a role in achieving the goals of the Friends of El Corazon (FELC).

YHere are 10 great ways you can share your time, talents and treasure with Friends of El Corazon:

1. Attend Monthly Board Meetings. Get to know our board of directors and learn more about our ongoing efforts. We meet the first Tuesday evening of every month at King of Kings Lutheran Church on Oceanside Blvd.

2. Work Our Booth at Various Community Events. Hand out literature, refrigerator magnets and other materials, and when you are ready, answer questions about FELC and the Park. It’s a lot of fun and easy!

3. Attend Important Oceanside City Council Meetings. Show your support for FELC when the topic of El Corazon is being discussed. There is power in numbers!

4. Assist with Newsletter Creation. Write, take photos, or use your design skills to help with our quarterly newsletter. We use a simple e-newsletter template through a free e-mail management service, but can always use additional writers and photographers to help the editor stay on deadline, or share in the newsletter development process.

5. Special Event Planning. We will be hosting our first annual “Summer Soiree” to thank all of our supporters in July. We also participate in Oceanside’s annual Freedom Day Parade, held the Saturday BEFORE the Fourth of July. Every year, we have to think of a new theme for the float. The more ideas and hands to help, make the job that much more fun!

6. Share Information with Others. Forward our e-newsletters and other e-blasts to your friends and neighbors to increase awareness of FELC and hopefully, increase our membership. It’s simple but can be extremely effective! Don’t forget about joining “Next Door” and other social media efforts to help promote FELC without ever having to leave your home!

7. Social Media Coordination – If you love Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat and even Pinterest, we’d love to have you help our PR committee spread the word about our activities, upcoming events and various efforts.

8. Bring Your Own Ideas, Experience and Input to the Group. Each person has unique talents and can play different roles when needed. It’s great to keep an open mind and an open heart to help in various volunteer capacities throughout the year. If something sounds interesting, go for it! Offer a helping hand, share your insights and let’s make it happen!

9. Make a Monetary Donation. Financial strength allows us to accomplish more and shows the Oceanside City Council and the community at large, that we are organized, committed, and serious in our efforts. We want to rally our neighbors around our cause, create momentum, and ensure that progress is made at El Corazon as the citizens of Oceanside mandated so many years ago. Use this link to PayPal to make a tax-deductible donation today! (click here).

10. Become a Member of FELC. It’s easy and affordable. Individual membership is $15. A family membership (two adults) is $25. Be part of something that will have long-lasting impact for decades to come. Join us and play a role in making life in Oceanside even better!